Social responsibility


Nilos do Brasil is one of the sponsors of Arca Brasil, a NGO known internationally for protecting and advocating animal rights.


This award is a public recognition of industrial companies regarding their practices of personnel management, health, safety and environment policies, improvement in education and training of workers, leisure and cultural investment and community-oriented social projects, regarded as indicators of the fulfillment of corporate citizenship.

It also recognizes the exercise of ethics and transparency in work relationships, harmonious and productive coexistence among employees, emphasizing common interests to ensure suitable working conditions, increasing the quality of life of workers, productivity and competitive edge in today’s globalised world.



This award reveals innovative initiatives, developed and adopted by companies of all sizes and from all segments throughout Brazil, committed to improving the daily lives of employees and the communities.

With bolder goals than the development of careers in mind, Nilos do Brasil wants to build the best people. The company sees the employee as a whole, offering courses ranging from languages ​​to etiquette – knowledge that the professional can take home to the community.

“We at Nilos do Brasil believe that knowledge is priceless: the company invests 15% of its revenues in education and training of its employees through language courses, IT, technical design, financial management and even etiquette.”


Ingunde Anita Ritz – General Manager